Create a New Department

Select Create a New Department and OK


This loads the below screen:

Name:                                                        Name of Department

Group:                                                        Group Department is to be reported in as set up previously.

Export Code:                                                Code that can be used in an external system

Follow On:                                                Function to be preformed after an item is sold from this department

Max Disc %:                                                Maximum % Discount to be granted on items from this department

Target Margin %:                                        Suggests sell price for items in this department based on this %

HALO:                                                        High Amount Lockout for department

LALO:                                                        Low Amount Lockout for department

Table Plan Status:                                        When items from this department are sold what table plan status should be assigned

Order Position:                                                Position items from this department are shown in on orders

Order Category:                                                Category Items are shown in from this department

Menu Colours:                                                Colour of button on sales screen

Allow Sales During Specified Times:                        Only allow sales from this department on certain days or times (Perfect for Sunday Lunch Or Set Menus)

Order Pad Settings

Show on Order Pad:                                        Show Department on Order Pad.

Price Levels:                                                Define price levels available on Order Pad.

Default Product Settings

VAT Rate:                                                VAT Rate for items in this department

Printers:                                                Select which printer/s items in this department should print to.

Remove Order Printer from Each Item:                        Remove all current set printers for items in this department

Update Products:                                        Update printer settings in for each item in this department

Check for Allowance on Sub Menus Price Level:                If Items are part of a set menu check for allowance using price level. (See Set Menu guide for More Information)

Default Size Profile:                                        Default Size Profile for items in this department

Operator Alert:                                                Text that pops up for operator when item is sold from department

Use Porton Controls:                                        Use portion controls for items sold in this department

Order Printer Department Only:                                

Course Department:                                        Department is a course department

Unique Items:                                                If ticked items when sold from this category are listed as individual items rather than grouped into identical products e.g. 5 x Pizza

Include Items on Sales Reports:                                Items from this department should be included on sales reports

Allow VAT Override with Tabs:                                Allow VAT Override on Tabs

Allow VAT Override with Eat In/Take Out?:                Allow VAT override based on Eat In/ Take Out

You can now save and exit set up. Repeat these steps for every department you need to create.