Tab Setup

When you open Tab Setup you are presented with the current tabs you can either select one to edit or create a new one. This presents the below menu:

Name:                Tab type Name

Range:                How many of this type of tabs are avalible.


No. of Printed bills with Charge:                How many copies of the bill are printed when items are assigned to this tab

Type of Bill:                                Standard: This prints the receipt in the following order


                                                       Date/ Time


                                                       Type of Tab

                                                       Ticket Number


                                                       Subtotal/ Total

                                                       Customer Details

                                       Order: This prints the receipt in the following order


                                                       Customer Details

                                                       Type of Tab

                                                       Ticket Number

                                                       Date/ Time



                                                       Subtotal/ Total

Allow additional Charges:                Choose if additional charges are allowed on this bill.

Page No:                                The default screen number that opens when the tab opens, ie when you open the tab you may want to go to the food screen as the default screen

Level:                                        The screen level for the above selected page

Follow on:                                Function performed when tab is used

Order Allocation:                        This decides the event to happen of how an order is allocated, e.i. in takeaways for delivery tab, you may want to allocate the order to a delivery driver

VAT Override:                                VAT Rate for items sold on this Tab

Show as Option on Customer:                Allow customer orders to be assigned to this type of Tabs

Option Text:                                Text shown on customer selection screen

Allow Reports while active:                Allows reporting when tabs are open

Signature with charge strip:                Prints signature strip on charge receipts

Request no. Of covers:                        Mandatory covers

Clear Info on Payment:                        Clears tab on payment

Use with order numbers:                        Every order is assigned a sequential number

Mandatory Customer:                        Mandatory customer selection

Requires Collection Time:                Mandatory collection time & date

Print Barcode on Bill:                        Prints barcode on bill

Print receipt at end of sale:                Prints receipt when order is paid

Use for quotations:                        If this is flagged, the items on these tabs will store in a separate quotations table so they don't affect tab sales on stock on sales report

Subtract stock:                                Subtract stock when items are added to tab not paid

Compulsory Operator:                        Order must have operator assigned

Show First Letter in Table Plan:                The shows the first letter of the tab name, so when looking at the table plan if you hve 2 tabs (1 for tables, 2 for upstairs) the tables will show as T1,T2,U1,U2 etc

Use with Bookings System:                Use tab with room reservation software.

Info Lines

Here you can assign information lines to a tab

Order Printing

Here you can provide overwrites for order printing based on tab settings