Create with Barcode.

In the item setup section scan the barcode of the item and press ok.

This loads the below screen that needs to be completed.

Fields marked with * are optional.

Supplier Code*:                                Alternative Item ID used at supplier

Name:                                        Name of Item

Additional Name*:                        Additional Name Field

Department:                                Department the item will be reported in

Group:                                        Group the item will be reported in

Style Code*:                                Used in Fashion ( See Fashion Guide for further Info)

Colour*:                                        Used in Fashion ( See Fashion Guide for further Info)

Size*:                                        Used in Fashion ( See Fashion Guide for further Info)

Vat Details:                                VAT information for this product.

Use Sub Menus*:                        Enables the Sub Menu settings.

Shelf Label*:                                Generate shelf label for product

Kit*:                                        Item is part of a Kit

Sell Online:                                Flag item for online sale (Linked to Shopify)


You also have a series of sub menus on the bottom of the screen.


Case Qty*:                                How many units are in an outer from the supplier

Case Cos*t:                                How much does one case cost

Unit Cost*:                                Calculated Automatically

Average Cost*:                                Calculated automatically (When item case cost is edited in future)

Unit Qty*:                                How many units form an outer are sold when you sell this item.

Qty Name*:                                Name of Qty e.g. Each, 6 Pack

Suggested*:                                Suggested Sell Price. Calculated based on unit cost and expected margin as set up in Department

Price Bands:                                Here you can set the price to sell the item at each price band

Loyalty Settings*

Issue Points with Sale Total:                If ticked the customer will earn points on sale of this item.

Bonus Points:                                Number of bonus points issued with sale of product

Stock Settings*

Quantity in Stock:                        Number in current stock

On Tabs:                                Qty on current Tabs (Calculated Automatically) In effect these are items on promise.

Total Stock Available:                        Number in stock minus number on tabs

On Order from Supplier:                        Number of units on order from supplier

Minimum Stock:                                Here you can set minimum stock level to be prompted for reorder.

Preferred Stock:                                Here you can set your preferred stock level.

Meters Per Stock Unit:                        How many meters are sold per unit of stock.

POS Settings*

Order Prompts:                                Here you can allocate order prompts (See order prompts) to the product

Price Shifts:                                Here you can set the price shifts (See Price Shifts) for the product

Question:                                Here you can add a question that will be asked when item is sold such as an age check.

Function:                                Here you can assign a function to be completed when an item is sold

Dry Cleaning Product:                        Tick if item is a dry cleaning product and set the number of pieces (e.g. a 2 piece suit would be 2 pieces)

Disable Product:                        If ticked product cant be sold.

Indicate VAT:

Course Item:                                If ticked this item will be marked as a course item

Weighted Item:                                If ticked product will be sold by weight

Tare Weight:                                If item is sold by weight here you should enter tare weight

Always Print scale label:                        Print scale label on sale of product.

Generate GS1 Barcode:                        Generate GS1 Barcode for product

GS1 Code:                                Code for GS1 Barcode

Expiry Days:                                Expiry date for GS1 Codes

Add Days to Membership:                When item is sold add number of days to membership

Always Prompt for Price:                When ticked when item is sold it will prompt for price on every sale

Negative PLU:                                When sold item adds credit to the transaction.

Disable Discount:                        Disable discount from item.

Printer Settings

Here you can tick on an individual product basis what printers you want the product to print on.

Print red on order printer:                If ticked this item will print in red on printer

OP Text:                                Optional text for Order Printers

Notes & Allergens*

Notes on Item:                                Here you can enter any notes for the item

Clerk Alert:                                If ticked notes are shown to clerk on sale

Show on TFT:                                If ticked notes are displayed on the rear customer display

Comment #1:                                Here you can enter comments for item

Comment #2:                                Here you can enter comments for item

Origin:                                        Enter the origin of the item

Batch No:                                Enter the batch number of the item

Allergens:                                Tick any relevant allergens


Item Image:                                Image of item

Button Image:                                Image to be shown on button

Nationality Flag:                                Nationality Flag of item

Sub Menus*

See Set Menu guide for how to use.


Here you can enter additional barcodes for a product. For example promotional items will be the same but have a different barcode.


Here you can enter the suppliers for each item, the case cost and qty for each supplier.


Here you can enter price breaks for each item. For example 3 for £5.

Sales History*

Here you can see the sales history for the item.


Here you can apply attribute tags to items if required