In this section we will cover other functions in the main sales screen.

Discount Item by %

To take a % discount off the item in the transaction:

Either sell the item then enter the amount of discount e.g. 10 for -10% then press discount item by % and it will take 10% of the last item sold.


Sell several items. Highlight the item in the journal window by pressing on it. Then enter the amount of  discount e.g. 10 for -10% then press discount item by % and it will take 10% of that item.

Discount sale by %

Alternatively at the end of a transaction you can choose to discount all items by a %.

Enter the amount of discount e.g. 20 for 20% and then press discount sale by %. Then complete sale.

Discount item by amount.

If you wish to take a set amount off an item instead of a % you can use Discount By Amount to take an amount off the item in the transaction.

Either sell the item then enter the amount off e.g. 50p enter 50 and press Dsicount Item by amount and it will take 50p of the last item sold.


Sell several items. Highlight the item in the journal window by pressing on it. Then enter the amount of discount e.g. 50p enter 50 press discount item by amount and it will take 50p off that item.

Cancel Sale

If you do not want to complete a transaction, or wish to start it again you can cancel sale and it will void all items. During the transaction (Before tendering) press Cancel Sale, Void All Items and Cancel Transaction. Press Yes.

Void Last Item

If you want to void the last item only after selling it press Void Last Item