
Single Item Refund

To refund an item press Item refund then scan the item or enter the price to one of the open department keys.

Select a pre-defined refund Reason. Add additional notes for the return. (If you want the item to go back into stock leave the box ticked, if the product is not resalable leave the box un-ticked - press on the box to toggle the tick on/off)

Whole transaction Refund

If you need to refund a whole transaction: use the scanner to scan the barcode at the bottom of the customer reciept. This will bring the transaction back and allow you to refund selected items or refund all.

At this point the sale value goes negative.

Either sell items in exchange or complete the sale, or if the total is negative for a full refund you have two options. Either press Card, Cheque, Cash to give the payment back or issue a credit note.