When you click on promotion the below screen loads up:
This shows all current promotions your webstore is running along with the ability to add new ones.
To add a new promotion click new in the top right, this loads the below screen.
Name: Name of your promotion
Brief Description: Description of promotion
Promotion Type: Product Based Promotion- Promotion is only active if certain products are in the basket at checkout
Cart Based Promotion- Promotion is only active if the entire order is worth a set amount.
Delivery Promotion- Ability to offer free delivery with a coupon code.
Coupon Code: Code customers need to enter at checkout to activate the promotion
Customer Class: What if any customer class this promotion applies to.
Once Per Customer: If checked only allows the customer to only ise the promotion once
Only First Order: If checked only allows the customer to use this promotion on their first order with the store.
Required Categories: What if any categories are required for or excluded from the promotion
Required Products What if any products are required for or excluded from the promotion.
Discounted Categories What categories should the promotion be applied to, you can also exclude categories.
Discounted Products What products should the promotion be applied to, you can also exclude items.
Order Methods Which order methods is the promotion valid for.
Store Type Is the promotion valid on just the website or just the app or both
Start Date: What is the start date for the promotion
End Date: What is the end date for the promotion
Days: Which days of the week is the promotion valid
Start Time: What time should the promotion start
End Time: What time should the promotion end
Min Cart Subtotal: What is the minimum basket total before the promotion can be applied.
Discount Type: Choose percentage or fixed amount
Discount Value: What is the value of the discount for 10% type 10
Sort Order: What position should the promotion be in
Status: Is the promotion active.